Explore the full functionality free of charge for45 days! No restrictions on features for up to 10 users.Once you decide to move forward, the monthly/ annual price is based on the pricing tieryou choose (depending on the number of employees), with discounts for annual payments available
Monthly with an immediate cancellation policy, if so required. The amount of users/staff members on the system will be determined at each of the month and you only get billed for the active staff members.
Sure, the first 45 days are free of charge. Just sign up for our trial and make the most of it. No credit card required
Payroll Solutions.
You will be billed for each month you utilise the system after the trial period, by the end of each month.
Yes, we use a rule based engine, which is configurable, ensuring employees gain access to the fields that they have permission to see.
per hour, or. • Public Holiday and Sunday hours worked. Definined in theBCEA
or Basic Conditions of Employment act as “any payment in money or in kind, or both in money and in kind, made or owing to any person in return for that person working for any other person … “.your